Wednesday, November 08, 2006


(I realize I need to hire a real designer, but this will have to do for now.)

I've noticed many people do a "Thursday Thirteen" or "Friday Five," so I've decided to start "What the F*ck?" Wednesday to explore all the things in the world that baffle me. And seeing as how I am often perplexed at people/events/products/commercials/etc., I will probably never run out of material.

So, week one of "What the F*ck?" Wednesday is...

Taco Bell's Fourth Meal

What is Taco Bell thinking? We are still the fattest nation in the world, right? Obesity rates are still rising, correct? So some marketing genius decides that we need to encourage people to eat yet another the middle of the night...and at Taco Bell? Fried tortillas and cheese and lard and other crap at 3 a.m. Yes, I think that is what we all need.

What the F*ck?


Anonymous said...

Um. We always called this "drunk food." Probably not a good marketing message, I'm guessing?

Super Happy Girl said...

"Everyone knows the 4th meal is the most important meal of the day."

Got nothin'
I'm going to bed :D

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I'm proposing that you call it "What The FRICK? Wednesday. It just sounds softer and more genteel.

I had to listen to my inner chihuahua voice and actually "drop the chalupa" before I could type this comment.

KB said...

I cannot believe I am defending Taco Bell…..but as I sit here eating my Lean Cuisine, (which, by the way is make from chicken tenderloins…all chicken, no chicken power in this one, thank god.) I’m thinking Taco Bell’s Fourth Meal is not always a bad idea. It definitely hit the spot when I stopped by on the way back from the airport late Friday still suffering the effects of Thursday night’s revelry in Chicago. Blame the incessant commercials for the Cheesy Gordita Crunch; which, by the way, is actually the name of the item, not just a description. If you just ask for a Gordita you won’t be getting the extra taco shell or the cheese. Guess I’ll have to make anther trip…..

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Upon further Taco Bell contemplation..... It doesn't actually count as a "fourth meal" if it goes right through you an hour after consumption. Now, if they'd title it "Midnight Butt Burn", we'd have a more honest ad campaign.

That is all.

Rhonda Sloan said...

KB - I am so calling the Body for Life guy to report you!

Taco Bell after a night of drinking is a good thing, but encouraging us to eat a fourth meal every day is probably not a good idea.

Rhonda Sloan said...

EWBL - I appreciate all suggestions...but this is really the only place where I can cuss freely (since my 16-month old is starting to learn more words everyday) so I will probably keep "f*ck." :)