Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Don't Say as I Say

Everything was perfect as I was driving my daughter to Mother's Day Out this morning. The air was brisk, the sun was out, I had a hot coffee in hand (the new Starbuck's has a drive-thru...hooray!), and my sweet little daughter was babbling and giggling in the back seat.

Then a man who was apparently scared of his accelerator pulls out in front of me, and insists on going very, very, VERY slooooooowwwwly. Several blocks go by, before I just totally lose it. I like to call this side of my personality Rhonda the Rage Rover.


From the carseat: "DUUUUUDE!"

Of course I burst out laughing. It was like having a little Keanu Reeves back there. And while I love it when she adds a new word to her repertoire, clearly I have not come to terms with the fact that she is not only a sponge, but also a parrot. Shame on me and my potty mouth. Shame!

So it's just a matter of time before she pulls out the f-bomb. With my luck, it will probably be at my in-laws house over Christmas.


omar said...

Ha! Of all the words in that sentence, I'm glad she picked the one that would be funniest (and most socially acceptable) to repeat.

My kid hasn't cursed yet. He does occasionally say stuff that's funny that we didn't know he knew. Like at dinner, he dropped his fork, and was like, "Oh my god!!" It caught us so off guard, we started laughing uncontrollably (which just prompted him to keep saying it).

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Between Omar and you Rhonda, it sounds as though you're raising the new generation of Valley Girls/Boys.
Like, fer sure, fer sure!

Super Happy Girl said...

With my luck, it will probably be at my in-laws house over Christmas.

One can only hope.

Rhonda Sloan said...

I promise I am not trying to raise a valley girl. And I can't remember the last time I used the word "dude."

But yes, NCS, I know you are hoping...it will at least make one helluva blog post. ;)