Thursday, March 29, 2007

Technology sucks

If you are wondering where I am, well, I am still here...I'm just "technology free" this week. My computer bit the dust over the weekend and is hopefully being fixed as we speak. Why can't they make the damn things more reliable? And why does it feel like I have lost a limb when my computer is gone?

So, I am just reading books, watching lots of bad TV, and doing some spring cleaning (my fridge looks fab). Hopefully I will be back to my unproductive, online self very soon.


Super Happy Girl said...

Aw, no fair. Technology has failed us again.
Well, the upside is your house looks fab, Yay for that.

omar said...

If computers worked all the time, I'd be out of a job. Yay for broken computers!

Bill C said...

Your computer is getting fixed?! Spay or neuter?

Special K ~Toni said...

I am so sorry for your lost! Don't know what I would do with Herb here!

dalene said...

Miss you!

yerdoingitwrong said...

I should probably turn my computer off from time to time and clean my fridge!!!