Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"What the F*ck?" Wednesday - Ladies Only Edition

Just for you ladies! Check out the URLs below for some of the strangest "feminine" products out there.

Don't want to wear undies, but need something between you and the crouch of your pants? Go Commando!

Sick of tampons? Now you can use a CUP to catch Aunt Flow. If this product had a better "exit" strategy...and if it was might not seem as gross.

"Humiliated by female fishy odor?" (I swear that was the text of a Google Ad on a blog I recently visited.) Check out Femanol.

I don't know anything about curing fishy odor, but I guess Femanol is better than using Lysol as a douche. WTF is up with that?!

And finally, WTF is up with Always Maxipad commercials? Granted, I haven't had a cycle in 8 months, being knocked up and all, but I still find myself wanting to hurt the person (MAN) who is responsible for their marketing campaign. There's nothing like having that time of the month compared to a fun ride on a roller coaster with the tag line of "have a happy period."

Ummm, yeah. Clearly this person (MAN) doesn't have a clue what it's like to menstruate. I can honestly say that having a period is many things...inconvenient, frustrating, painful, annoying, embarrassing, but NEVER EVER "happy." Period.

And if you want to get extra annoyed, go to the website and play some of their "HAHP" games. A**HOLES.


~Sheryl said...

Where did you find this stuff?? The cup – omg! The testimonials were hilarious.

I'm with you on many of the feminine hygiene commercials. Can you say unrealistic? First of all, I don't wear ALL white. Ever. I have a one year old. And I certainly don't folic and dance around at the end of the day (or the beginning of the day for that matter) - some days I'm lucky if I can get undressed properly ... and that's when I'm NOT on my period. I guess I know why I'm not in commercials. Lol


KB said...

I've actually seen the commodo things in stores. WEIRD. I don't even know where to start with the Always web site. The big maxi pad roller coaster scared me too much to stick around and see what the site was all about. It was definitely designed by an 20 something man/boy.

Super Happy Girl said...

Commando patch. Cotton Coochie cushion.

No gracias.

Ann(ie) said...

GOD I know. Have a happy period???? Shutty!!

Jean Knee said...

these things are so wrong in so many ways....yet intriguing I'm gonna have to post about this

Special K ~Toni said...

Ok- I started using the Instead Cup and I love it! To me a tampon is a bigger pain and messier! Seriously!