Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Fun

I found these mints in a cute little shop in Ann Arbor. Why do I never think of these things? This guy is probably making millions!

If you are still feeling patriotic after the July 4th holiday (and a little hungry for cheap snacks), Target is having a sale. I would like to insert a big argument about how Little Debbie has nothing to do with the "Spirit of America," but then I would probably look really foolish.

She has as much American spirit as McDonald's, Taco Bell, Jack in the Crack, Hershey's, Coca Cola, etc. etc.


Special K ~Toni said...

Hey! Don't knock American Spirit~ I choose to find it in Vodka, Gin and Jack Daniels!

Check out my contest!

KB said...

Have you ever noticed how much patriotism/Americana is dogs, apple pie, fried chicken, little debbie snacks....TWINKIES....

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Trans fat, dense calorie, high carb, artficial sweeteners/color/preservative snack food. Yep, that's The Spirit Of America-Land That I LOVE!

Hi KB! Thanks for my glory whore moment of lavish praise!

Anonymous said...

I really loathe Little Debbie's. And crass flag-waving commercialism.

But I finally took you up on your tag and played the "Why I blog? meme." I'm slow, but I eventually come through.

Is is still raining? We're burning up here, literally.

omar said...

Mmmm, tasty spirit of America...

Super Happy Girl said...

I have never seen those Spirit of America things.
Do they have chocolate? I never say no to chocolate.