Monday, January 29, 2007

Movie Madness

I apologize for neglecting my blogging duties, but I have been busy watching movies. My 5th Annual Oscar Bash is quickly approaching and I hope to see as many of the nominated films as possible. Here are the three I saw over the weekend:

1. Smokin' Aces. (not an Oscar contender, I know) This was on date night with the hubby (it was a compromise between Rocky and Dreamgirls). If you aren't put off by lots of blood, it's a great movie.
2. Little Children. Saw this with the girls on Saturday. Also a great movie, and surprisingly funny considering the subject matter, but I would probably classify it as more of a chick-flick. However, there was lots of sex and nudity, so you boys won't be bored.
3. Little Miss Sunshine. Bought the DVD and watched this at excellent film! I like Greg Kinnear and Steve Carell even more than I did before.

What I liked most about these three movies is that they weren't predictable. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy my fair share of predictable movies, but the movies that really stand out in my mind are the ones where I couldn't always guess what was going to happen.

Here's a short list of some of my favorite "unpredictable" movies....The Usual Suspects, Fight Club, The Sixth Sense, Primal Fear, Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump.

Your turn! Tell me what movies you think are refreshingly unpredictable.


Girl con Queso said...

Sadly, I think most movies are completely predictable. I was surprised with the Sixth Sense though. And, even though it wasn't a great movie, Derailed kinda surprised me.

Sketchy said...

OK I'll go with the movie I watched last night, Hildalgo, not that the story line was unpredictable, afterall its based in history. More just the fact that it was interesting all the way through. More evidence perhaps that Viggo can keep me hooked on a film. That's completely unpredictable, and thouroughly enjoyable too. Man those eyes, they like drip honey!

yerdoingitwrong said...

I'll have to say Crash.

I want to see Little Miss Sunshine. I hear it's SO good!!

Super Happy Girl said...

Little Miss Sunshine is SO good.
Loved Fight Club, the Usual Suspects, 6th sense.
Refreshingly unpredictable? :( I can't think of any, let me think about it.