Sunday, January 07, 2007

Just doing what I am told

Today my horoscope read: "Be more present. Appreciate your body. It's the perfect time to reflect on recent events, engage in flirtation and eat delicious, healthy meals. You're a sensuous creature, so do something that helps you appreciate life."

The 3rd sentence was most captivating, because it seemed a little hodgepodge, but let's tackle it anyway.

1. Reflect on recent events - Here's an interesting article from the news today. Apparently, Tigger (Winnie's sidekick) has some anger management problems. Who would have thought that being a cartoon character could be so stressful that you would resort to beating up 14-year-old boys.

2. Engage in flirtation - Have you been working out? Maybe it's the jeans, but your ass looks great. And your hair looks nice today too. Did you get it cut? It really frames your fabulous eyes. (Your compliment to me goes here)'re so sweet. What a nice thing to say. You know, if I wasn't married...

3. Eat healthy, delicious meals - KB and I had Mexican food for lunch today and it was delish! My shrimp enchiladas were to die for. Dinner was a little meal (since I pigged out at lunch) consisting of 1/2 turkey sandwich. As you can see, it's either healthy or it's delish...not usually both.

Well, I can't say that I feel more sensuous, but it was a fun exercise anyway. I am still working on the remainder of my New Year's resolutions...did y'all make any??


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda
Interestingly enough, I decided last night to "be more present" which was the first sentence in your horoscope. I'm a Leo. Not sure if it was meant for me too. My reason for wanting to be more present was I thought it might help me to get less distracted. For example, get out of bed and have a shower rather than notice several things that need to be done on the way to the shower... get my drift. It worked for the first hour or so. I found it took quite a lot of concentration to choose to be present with each activity instead of noticing all the other things that I could be doing next. I don't think I flirted, except with my husband. Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Tigger needs an anger managment class.

Winnie needs over-eaters anonymous.

Anonymous said...

The video and accompanying pictures of the Tiger incident are hilarious. I think the kid looks like a punk , and he's totally laughing throughout the whole KACHING incident. The wonderful thing about Tigers is that they can go Tiger on you in less than half a second.

Today I used my little armband-mp3-player thing, I'm all sweaty and tired, but I know tomorrow I'll have the model body I always wanted. Takes about a day right?

Anonymous said...

Resol-- whaa?

omar said...

I mean yeah, I've been getting to the gym when I get a chance, you know. No big deal, or anything (flexing biceps).

Rhonda Sloan said...

Word - Being present is REALLY hard for me too.

NCS - That armband will give you an athlete's body in no time.

Radio - Ha! I know. I only make resolutions that are very abstract.

Omar - LOL