Over the weekend, my angry chick went missing. I knew Anabella was the culprit because I have had to tell her several times not to play with it. ("Art" and "breakable" don't mean much to a 3 year old.)
Me: Anabella, where is mommy's bird?
Anabella: Birds are outside. (runs to window) Nope, no birds outside right now, mommy.
Me: Where is the bird that mommy has on the desk in her office? The one you were playing with yesterday?
Anabella: Bird?
Me: Yes. Let's go look. (walk into my office and point to where Angry Chick used to be)
Anabella: Bird is gone. (runs to office window) Nope, bird isn't out there mommy.
Me: Anabella, did you move mommy's bird?
Anabella: What bird?
Me: Anabella, the kitty misses her friend.
Anabella: (Very serious look on her face) Really?
Me: Yes, the kitty is very sad.
Anabella: Oh. (thinks about it for a minute.) I broke the bird. He's in that box. (pointing under desk) Sorry, mommy. (leaves the room)
Sure enough, angry chick was thrown in a box ... her gun barrel broken off. So apparently my sweet little girl was taking me on a silly, wild chicken chase, all the while knowing exactly what I was talking about. When did she get so smart ... and devious?
Coolest Car Ever
Okay, maybe not the coolest car ever, but look at what my car did the other day when I was dangerously close to running out of gas.
It took the initiative to find me 20 gas stations within the range of the amount of gas I had left. The only way it could be any cooler is if it said something like "Hey, dumba** ... you will be walking in about five minutes if you don't get some gas."
Secret Santa
I convinced my coworkers to participate in a Secret Santa exchange this week. Look what I got today ...

It's an old-school slinky ... no plastic, child-safe crap going on here. It's better than a stress ball, which is why I've been playing with it all day. No sense being productive on a Monday, right?
-- The B.S. Cafe is now serving lead-based toys.
Well, at least she said sorry after she attempted to lead you astray.
Secret Santa three weeks before Christmas? You guys are going to run out of steam before the day arrives!
Why does that bird look so pissed off, Anabella need to realize you live in Texas, anyone can have a gun.
I see that my Bears are playing your Texans in a couple of weeks, care to wager?
What are you chicken ?!?!?!?
Pock, pock, pock, pock
(those are chicken noises)
maybe you can glue the gun back on or glue on a grenade launcher to cover up the broken part.
Hmmmm... I'm pretty handy with a glue gun!
In a weird way, I'm strangely impressed by how complex her reasoning is at such a young age.
NOOOO! Not angry chick :(
Can it be repaired?
That slinky is hardcore.
Omar - Yes, we had a coworker who was leaving to have a baby. So we did it early.
Dan - I will so take that bet! We beat the friggin TITANS today. Bizarro!
JK and NCS - My mom's hubby fixed it for me. He's a wonder with super glue and model airplane paint.
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