Wednesday, May 07, 2008

"What the F*ck?" Wednesday

WTF kind of douche are they using in France?! Must be pretty crazy to require a hat.

WTF is going on at my neighbor's house? This dude made several trips with that can. How much paper can you possibly need to shred?

WTF is up with the spiders making homes on my car? They spin webs every night between my side mirror and the window. I don't like making them homeless but I don't particularly care for spiders either. This one couldn't even wait until I got back home to start again! I think he was living behind the mirror, but his sticky little paws couldn't hang on past 45 MPH.


elasticwaistbandlady said...

The first picture...well, only Laura Ingalls would use a bonnet douche.

The second guy is a former Arthur Anderson employee.

As for the spider, it may be time to set off a Raid Fogger in your vehicle.

Trix in the Stix said...

I agree something scandelous is going on with your neighbor.

Ish... that spider looks enormous!!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure which is creepier -- the spider or all that shredding. Very weird!

KB said...

The volume of shredding is disturbing. Now we may all be called to testify....

That spider is HUGE. I'm very afraid.

Serdeau said...

Holy crap that is a huge spider! I would just have your mirrors removed.

omar said...

I am not OK with the size of that spider.

Anonymous said...

That spider is HUGE - weren't you nervous to open the door in case it scurried inside...yuck

Super Happy Girl said...

That dude works for the FBI.

You should not take pictures of his house, his undercover sheddere guy or anything else.