Thursday, May 10, 2007

TV's Subliminal Powers at Work

The hubby comes into the bedroom around 2:00 a.m. this morning, waking me up as he gets into bed....

Me: Why are you up so late?

Hubby: I fell asleep on the couch. Next time, please turn off the TV before you go to bed.

Me: Ok, but that might have pissed you off considering that you were still watching it when I went to bed.

Hubby: Oh, well, I had a really bad nightmare. And when I woke up, one of those infomericals for Viagra or Cialis was on.

Me: And what does that have to do with anything?

Hubby: I was dreaming that my stuff didn't work.

Me: Wow, that is scary, but I am sure your "stuff" is fine.

Hubby: Want to check for me?

Me: (silent)

Hubby: Ok, then. Sweet dreams.


Special K ~Toni said...

They will try won't they??

Super Happy Girl said...

:D Genius