Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Another excuse not to exercise (like I need one!)

I can't stand it when exercise equipment is sweaty from someone else....so just the thought of finding dirty underwear in, on, or near my exercise equipment is enough to keep me away from the gym f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

Check out the link below for a story about a family that opened up their punching bag to find it full of men's and women's underwear...some of it "USED." Apparently, it was quite smelly in the bag. Talk about a TKO.

Oh, and the best part is that the company representative said is was "a quality problem that they were dealing with." Ummm...ok. How is it a quality problem when someone decides to fill your product with underwear instead of sand? Sounds more like a "dumb ass" problem to me!



omar said...

That is amazing. I love that the representative had to say, "a new, non-underwear-filled bag would be shipped to Heckel shortly."

Anonymous said...
