Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Responsibility Sucks

It's the end of an era. We sold the Hummer over the weekend, and I hate to admit it, but we are both going through a bit of a mourning period. It was a fairly impractical vehicle, especially with another baby due on the scene soon, but we both really loved that thing. It was the last remnant from our carefree days (meaning before kids), it was fun to drive (scaring people and feeling powerful is FUN), and it was a vehicle we both dreamed of owning in our teenage years...so it was like a little gas-guzzling dream come true.

So farewell, Hummer. You will be greatly missed!

I guess the good news is that now we only own 2 of the very bad, earth-killing things in this photo (according to Al Gore and No Cool Story).

On the baby naming front, what do yal think of the name Marielle?


omar said...

If you're looking to be more environmentally responsible as well, I can take either the McMansion or the plasma TV off your hands. Or both.

I'd need a pronunciation on Marielle.

MARY-ELL (emphasis on both syllables)


Special K ~Toni said...

I'm with Omar- how are you pronouncing it, and will it flow with Paige as a middle name? WHAT? Paige isn't it?

Growing up sucks.

Super Happy Girl said...

Farewell Hummer!! Great, now I have no friends with Hummers.
You know what I say: "If father Al said it, it must be true".
And True dat.

I like Marielle. We do need to know the pronunciation, like Omar offered.

Bill C said...

Stupid environment. Wuss! Wimp!

Okay I'm better now.

Marielle is a fine name; Mariel, not so much. Between the Hemingway and the boat lift... yeah. But Marielle is good.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I don't care for MARY-elle, but would prefer it sounding like Mars as in Mar-ielle.

About your Hummer.....tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. That's what I said when we got rid of our Expedition because of high gas prices. :(

Anonymous said...

I'm with Elastic... I like her pronunciation best.

Sorry to hear about the Hummer. I am about to make a sacrifice for responsibility. No more two seaters for me!

Anonymous said...

I'm pronouncing it in my head as if it were French, and I like it. But then I like just about anything pronounced in French.

Anonymous said...

What about my dream to ride in/drive a Hummer? My life is hopeless now... But on another note, I like the name Marielle. I'm going to call her Ellie.

Anonymous said...

OH! How about Ella and Bella for cute nicknames for them?

Rhonda Sloan said...

It would be a french sounding name...Mar-e-elle. But now my husband has kind of poo pooed it, so never mind. :(