Friday, August 10, 2007

Get it out!

That has been my general attitude this week.

Only 4 weeks to go, and as you other moms know, I am in hell. Between acid reflux and getting seriously punched in the bladder all night long, I am getting very little sleep. Nothing fits except t-shirts and sweats. Oh, and I really haven't done anything to prepare for this baby. It's such a weird extreme from my first child that I think I might be in total denial that I am even having a child in the immediate future.

I've also been informed that this baby will be larger than my last. Apparently she will be over 8 pounds, which doesn't bother or upset me, except when the news is delivered something like this...

Doctor: Hi there! I see from the ultrasound photos that this is going to be ONE BIG BABY.

It's almost as bad as someone asking if you are having twins when you aren't.

Anyway, the naming game continues on, but now my husband just points out words that rhyme with whatever name I suggest...

Me: Carys?

Him: Like "terrace?"

Me: Yes, so?

Him: (Laughter)

Me: I might kill you soon.

The only thing I don't have to complain about this week are my recent pregnancy dreams. I've had very bizarre dreams for several months (being pregnant with Elvis' baby...having a friend see me naked and then pee on my bathroom floor...just generally unnerving stuff), but this week I had a great dream.

I was married to the guy I had a crush on in high school (the handsome, popular, sweet guy that everyone liked, who is probably managing a Dairy Queen now). I drove a red, convertible Jag, and I was as pregnant as I am now, but I was so thin that no one could tell. Oh, and all the high school people were there fawning all over me. Excellent.


omar said...

Wait, did the friend pee on your bathroom floor, or did you pee while the friend was seeing you naked?

I went to high school with a girl named Hester. She was HOT. Good memories of her. And a Maureen. And Lena. All cute. Let's throw those names in the ring also.

Rhonda Sloan said...

Ok, Omar, only for you. She will kill me for telling everyone about this (Sorry KELLY, but that's what you get for telling everyone I ate a whole pie like 10 years ago).

She walked into my bathroom, saw me naked, and acted really disgusted. So I started crying and screaming, and told her to get out. She purposely pee'd on my bathroom floor and then left.

Nice dream, huh?

Special K ~Toni said...


Super Happy Girl said...

I hate dreams like that (not the last one, that last one was cool).
4 more weeks and you'll be free...semi-free? A different kind of free.
Monica? No, rhymes with Harmonica.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I like Carys, even though Cat Zeta Jones used it on her kid. It's Welsh for 'love' or something, right?


Bee said...

Funny this is the third blog I've read that mentions Elvis.
An odd dream movie, Mulholland Drive. I never could figure it out!

Anonymous said...

That is a great dream. Only why do the really cute ones always end up working at DQ?

Hang in there. The big ones are a pain in the butt to carry (literally), but they are nice and easy to push out. I always thought so anyway. My smallest was 8 lb. 15 oz. and the doctor just laughed at me because I was so proud to finally have a small 8-pounder. My friend just had a 7-pounder and I think my babies were that big when I was only 36 weeks.

I'm getting excited for you!