Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"What the f*ck?" Wednesday

This is what the last few days have been like for me. Basically a "WTF?" week ... all the way around.

In fact, WTF monkey is going to be my new mascot. Whenever I post him, you know to send over some booze and comfort food.


dawnaj said...

Hey. I need one of those. Sorry you are having a bad week. As someone said yesterday, It can always be worse!

omar said...

Wow, WTF Monkey had a bad day.

KB said...

LOVE WTF Monkey. Sorry you're having a bad week.

Bijoux said...

That's almost as scary as a Chuckie doll!

Jean Knee said...

are you sure that's a monkey?

Trix in the Stix said...

He's adorable... I want a WTF Monkey!!

Hope your week gets better!

Brian o vretanos said...

Now that the week's (almost) over, I hope you have a chance to recuperate over the weekend. I couldn't work out how to pour a vodka over the internet, so I'll have an extra one on your behalf.

That monkey looks like an extra from the original version of "The Dawn of the Dead"

Dan said...

Man Bear Pig's little brother !!!!

Rhonda Sloan said...

Dawna - Please don't let it get worse!

Omar - you have no idea.

KB - Thanks and thanks.

Cocotte - Really? I think WTF Monkey is much more cuddly.

JK - Not really.

Trix - He's mine!

Brian - If only we could send cocktails over the internet ....

Dan - OMG. My Dan and I were just talking about Man Bear Pig a few days ago. LOL

Thanks everyone ... this week is going to be better. I think. ;)