Wednesday, July 09, 2008

"What the F*ck?" Wednesday

Last week I decided to shop my car insurance around. I didn't really have a reason, I just suddenly felt like we were paying too much. Today, I have the results. Of the 12 companies that sent me rates....

  1. 12 of 12 were cheaper than my current company.
  2. 12 of 12 were more than $100 per month cheaper than my current company.
  3. 12 of 12 were more than $200 per month cheaper than my current company.

We have clearly been repeatedly bent over by our current company. WTF, GEICO?!!

How is it possible that everyone else was HALF of what you have been charging me? Did my husband sleep with your high school girlfriend? Did I say something rude about your penis at a cocktail party? Because this feels really, really personal. And when I called to find out WTF your problem is, your only response was "hmmm, that is substantially less expensive." You think?

Screw you and your lizard too!

P.S. In case you were curious, Liberty Mutual and AIG were both ONE THIRD of what I am paying...or should I say WAS paying before 12:01 a.m. today.


KB said...

WOW! WTF Geico is right. That's crazy. I guess you were paying a premium for all those commercials.

Jean Knee said...

dang, I really liked that lizard

AnnetteK said...

I keep thinking I should shop around for better rates, and then I remember my speeding tickets that my current ins. co. isn't charging me for. Not gonna get a better rate, nope, not me.

Dan said...

I just saved alot of money by SWITCHING to Geico.
I'm kind of suprised to hear this since they were about half of what I was paying.
I'm gonna have to stick up for the lizzard here.
Are you a high risk driver ?

Rhonda Sloan said...

I am so not a high risk driver. I haven't had a ticket in years and my only accident in the past 10 years was some idiot running a red light and taking the bumper off my truck. We had been with them for 7years, so I think it was just us sticking around too long.