Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mystery Meat

I was at the bank last week, and this animal was hanging out in a field in between a subdivision and the back of the strip center. At first, I thought it was a beaver...which of course would have been totally out of place. But when he took off (cause the weird lady with the camera scared him), I noticed he had a long, skinny tail.

So...what the hell is this?!


Anonymous said...

I win I win!! I asked someone at work and sure enough that's what he is.
ICK!! Guess he's one of those who just stayed in Houston after Katrina.


omar said...

Huh. I've never heard of nutria, I had no idea.

In any case, kill a couple of those bad boys and you'll have enough fur for one kick-ass coat.

Super Happy Girl said...

It's indeed a nutria. We have them here, I love it when they come out with their babies. There's also an albino nutria I've see that looks pretty cute.


KB said...

A nutria?? Really, I was hoping it was too big to be a nutria. For those of you not living down here on the gulf coast, a nutria is a "large semi-aquaitc rodent" Yep, that's a rat.

floribunda said...

the first time I went to New Orleans and did one of those hokey plantation tours, there were about 100 dead ones on the road... I read an article a while back about some company trying to promote them as a new edible treat- cheap meat for the masses!

Anonymous said...

Definitely nutria! In Louisiana, it already is an edible treat. My husband says it's yummy. I choose to not take him up on the offer of nutria gumbo or whatever other weird dish his family used to make. I have to draw the line somewhere!

Rhonda Sloan said...

Great. So what you guys are telling me is that I have rats the size of beavers?!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I heard the Nutria were ruining the swamp land and the state of Louisiana were paying to have them rounded up and then sold them as meat to Japan.

We have a freakin ton of them at the park down the street. They eat the crap that the geese turn their beaks up at. I've fed them Cheerios, stale pretzels, crushed goldfish crackers, stale bread. They eat everything!

Anonymous said...

Well it's way cuter than a rat.

But I guess that's because it's not living in my neighborhood.

I've heard of them, but never seen one before. We must be a little too dry (too cold?) for them here.