Monday, February 19, 2007

Our World Has Gone Crazy Week

Today is the first of a week-long series in which I intend to prove that our world has gone absolutely crazy.

Exhibit 1 - Anna Nicole Smith
As most of you know, I found myself deathly ill for almost a week...and (un)luckily for me, that time spent in bed coincided with Anna Nicole Smith's tragic death. Therefore, I was treated to non-stop coverage of her life, death, lovers, habits, etc. The one thing that really stood out to me was that news channels don't seem to care about facts anymore. They will let any nutjob (like Bobby Trendy) get on TV and say whatever they want, as if it was fact.

One guy (on Redeye) even thought it would be funny to claim that a dolphin could be the baby's father. WTF? It was really kind of heartbreaking that people were practically making fun of her and the woman hadn't even been dead for even a week. I understand that she had problems. It's clear that she was a misguided soul. But she was still a human being. Anna Nicole lost a child, which I am sure is pain beyond imagination, and now she has left behind a little baby. A baby who will never know her mother, and whose future is totally up in the air. Does no one else find that to be sad?

Journalism is in a really pitiful state. "The Soup" on E! was more respectful than all the news stations combined. That is pathetic! I find myself being oh-so-very grateful that I did not pursue my dreams of being a newspaper or TV reporter.

So to conclude, news stations reporting opinions as facts and giving credibility to anyone who claims to know something...the first reason why I think our world has lost its collective mind.


Bones said...

I feel bad. I had posted my Anna Nicole Smith cheapshot less than an hour after I heard the news. I'm a terrible person. It got more comments than anything I've ever posted, though. And it wasn't even that funny.

The bottom line is, we were transfixed with astronaut diapergate til ANS died, and thats all we talked about till Britney shaved her head. Maybe we're all terrible people!

Super Happy Girl said...

Just like you I thought Joel over at "The Soup" did a better job than the news.
I still don't understand why they interrupted live radio to give us their "dun dun dun DUN...News ALERT!! ANS has died, no more info at this time...dun dun dun DUN!!".
Sad sad. That poor baby :P

KB said...

It is very sad. While ANS certainly made some mistakes in her life, her death and the events leading up to it were tragic. No one deserves the disrespect she has been subjected to over the last week. The 24-hr non-news coverage has been ridiculous. The "news" stations should only run NEW information. If they don't have anything to actual announce, they should wait until they do....I could go on, but I'll spare everyone.

Sketchy said...

The one I feel pure sympathy for is this poor little girl. But I've felt sorry for her all along, she has really set her up for a very chaotic upbringing right from the start and by those who should have made stability and nurturing her their priority.

Frankly it amazes me that the news needs to be in the courtroom on a custody case. It's sad. Why????

Rhonda Sloan said...

Bones...such a true comment about the sad, sad state of US. We are awful...the way we love other people's misery.