A few months back, my friends Kristy and Anne came over for a girls night. The pomegranate martinis were flowing, and sweet little "Knows Your Name Elmo" looked a little stressed. So, we offered him a cocktail. I know, he's underage, but whatever...he wasn't driving and it seemed pretty harmless. Well, you can clearly see that Elmo can not hold his liquor. He didn't even climb off the table until noon the next day.

I never intended to publish these photos, but we might be responsible for what is apparently Elmo's fast decline into substance abuse.
I hear the tabloids pay good money for those.
Oh Elmo, whatever happened to you, one day is just a few cocktails with bloggers, next is prison.
For shame.
Hope Elmo doesn't puke too.
I've enjoyed reading your last few blogs so I'm making you a link too. Thanks for doing the same.
I'll answer your question about my ascent into publishing on my "other blog" where you asked the question. Look there soon.
Have a nice festive season for the next two months!
I've just added that answer about how I got into publishing, under your comment on 28 October (I think that was the date) on my More Beautiful Things blog. Hope you find it. Thanks for asking.
He's such a lightweight, that Elmo.
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