Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"What the F*ck?" Wednesday -- Bush and Balls

What the f*ck is going on with the love affair between President Bush and Albania?? According to The Associated Press, Albania issued three postage stamps with Bush's picture and the Statue of Liberty, renamed a street in front of parliament in his honor, awarded him the highest National Flag medal, and the Fushe Kruje town council declared him an honored citizen.

This is almost as bothersome as the love fest between Bush and Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Come on, Albania. Don't you watch the news?

Second, what is going on with the following? I took both of these pictures within the last week. I am only glad my daughter is too young to ask, "Mommy, what is that hanging on the back of that truck?"

Really now, guys. Isn't it enough that you are constantly scratching and fondling these things all day long? Would you find it attractive if we hung a plastic vagina from our rear-view mirrors?

I didn't think so.


omar said...

I'm just concerned for the guy in the Dodge, with the blue balls. Ouch.

Super Happy Girl said...

I thought the same Omar did. Really dude, what in the world?
If it wasn’t bad to destroy other people’s properties I’d be for cutting those off (the trucks'). That’d show them, right? But that's just me.
“...if we hung a plastic vagina”. Oy!

Special K ~Toni said...

There would be an outrage by the insurance companies if we had vagina's or boobs hanging around anywhere! Too many accidents!

Are you saying you wouldn't want a set of these 'balls' for Christmas??

Boricua in Texas said...

Funny pics. I live in Pickupland, also known as Texas, and surprisingly I have only seen one truck with balls. So far.

Word Imp said...

Hi Rhonda,
Just saying hi again and good to see you on my Word Imperfect blog again! I enjoy yours and try to visit when I can.
Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

I think it's called compensation.

Or something like that.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

The worst is seeing women out tooling about in these vehicles. Thanks feminists, you finally got what you wanted..........women with actual balls!

The Bush thing confounds me too. I guess the Albanians can worship him since they don't have to live under his craziness. *says the woman who voted for him 4 times if ou count his Texas Gubernatorial years* :( I suspect you and I dislike him for entirely different reasons though, rhonda. I'm a stringent conservative, but he's manages to piss off conservatives and liberals alike. That takes talent!

morgetron said...

I can't stand the truck balls either. Ugh. My blogging buddy Mutters posted something about prosthetic dog balls a month or so ago, which is another WTF also.