Here is Winston in his pirate outfit. That's Chloe, our neighbor's daughter, who wanted to share her candy ... apparently Winston looked like he needed a tootsie roll. When I mentioned he could barely fit into his costume, she decided to keep it for herself.
Saturday morning, we woke up to find a giant pile of itty bitty pieces of tin foil on the dining room table. I totally flipped out, thinking that Anabella had eaten 50 pieces of chocolate before 8:00 a.m., but then she showed me this.
I guess she just liked unwrapping them. Whew.
And here is a picture of Anabella at a princess birthday tea party on Saturday morning. She wanted to take the outfit off as soon as we got in the car.
And she was completely OVER it after 15 minutes and 3 cups of "tea." I have to admit ... I love that she isn't a super girly-girl. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it's just that I'm not a bows/bedazzled/glittery kind of girl either.
Anabella was completely disinterested in Cinderella, who had the full attention of all the other princesses, and spent about 20 minutes sitting in a chair, holding a fork, and staring down the cake.
That's my girl!
Ahhh... they look adorable!
Very cute!
I have to respect a girl who ignores Cinderella and stares down a cake.
Absolutely precious. And, I'm so with Anabella - Cake over Cinderell, every time!
Hard to be believe that she didn’t eat any of the candy.
Great costumes. I skipped Halloween--really. So I'm living vicariously through everyone's great recaps.
We went to an FFA Halloween shindig and got to see Slutty Snow White and Sinderella.
It's so nice to see Disney reaching out to the underserved teenage prostitute market.
I only have one girly-girl out of 4 daughters and that's my youngest, Melody.
Although she does like doing Kung Fu. She can kick your butt while wearing a bow and a dress!
awww, good for her. my daughter and I went to a froufy mother-daughter tea and both wore pants. that's how we roll too
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