Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"What the f*ck?" Wednesday -- You REALLY suck now, YouTube

As you can see below, YouTube apparently got wind of my little rant and decided to post the video to my blog 100 times. I will go delete at least a few of them later, but I wanted you all to see that it is in fact YouTube that is being a jerk, not me.

And please, for the love all things good and just, go watch the damn video if you haven't see it already, and then tell me how great it is...because I have been completely tormented trying to post it here.


Anonymous said...

That clip is hilarious... so is Sarah Silverman's "I'm f*cking Matt Damon". I kinda have a feeling that you weren't the only one trying to download this one... probably why you had such trouble with it.

KB said...

That video is hilarious. Thank you for posting it. I kept reading about it, but never got around to viewing it.