OMG, are you f*cking serious? There is a typo embedded into the technology of my new car!!!! WTF???
I will now be forced to look at this every time I make a phone call. Clearly Land Rover has no understanding of what this will do to me. And don't tell me it's because you're British or some stupid sh*t ... you are owned by Ford now.
Fix it, Land Rover ... FIX IT!
Now for a funny, and non-Rhonda-traumatizing WTF...

... someone has way too much time on their hands. (The title of this email was "why men should not be allowed to play with action figures.")
WTF? Quit playing with dead animals, dudes.
-- The B.S. Cafe is now serving roadkill.
OMG! There has to be a way to get in a reprogram that typo...it cannot be allowed to stay. Surely we know someone smart enough to hack in to your car's computer.
Oh poor Ronda! my Land Rover doesn't know how to spell.
You know there are people starving in Africa.
I'm kidding of course (not about the Africa part, that's true)
ah but you forget that Ford sold LR to Tata, so your car is now a fine example of Indian engineering (I think). There is a firmware revision, but it offers only Sanskrit or Hindi
John Hennessy
I used to read a blog written by a Houston guy. He posed a flattened roadkill squirrel with a bottle of beer and stuck a cigarette in its mouth.
He thought it was funny. I thought it was gross that he purposely touched a dead squireel like that.
Of course, I blogged about how during the summer I was stomping on what I thought was a pile of pine needles in a darkened street in my bare feet. It wasn't. It was a squishy, mushy, squirrel carcass. At least I had the decency to not take pictures.
So that's not how you spell dialling. Hmm, interesting.
Poor dead squirrel. Now it won't be able to terrorize a housewife day after day scratching the walls and pretending to be a larger rodent.
Dan - LOL. Thanks for bringing me back into reality.
John - Geesh! You are right. There is no way I am calling the help desk now.
NCS - I see you are still traumatized. Do we need to send you to therapy? ;)
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